Login & Interface


1. Type v2.manage.propdata.net in your browser tab. 

i.e. Go to this url address - https://manage.propdata.net/

2. On the Prop Data Manage welcome page, sign in using your active Email Address and Password.

3. If you have forgotten your password, click on Forgot your password? 

4. Once you have entered your current, active company email address and clicked the Request Reset button in the pop-up block, an email will be sent to you with instructions. If you do not receive this email please be sure to check your spam folder.

Note: Your level of access to data and functions on Prop Data Manage will always be defined by your user permissions as determined by your company.

Interface Overview


Navigation (Expand/Collapse)


User Menu


Search Functionality


Table manager




1. After login, you will automatically land on your user Dashboard.

2. You can collapse and expand the navigation using the hamburger menu on the left of your logo. 



3. The alerts icon will open your alerts bar for you to monitor the progress of actions requested by you during a session.


5. Clicking on your name or photo (Prop Data symbol if your photo hasn’t been uploaded) will open your user menu where you can logout, switch accounts, and depending on your permissions, access system settings.



6. The speech bubble icon on the bottom right of the screen is used to chat to our support team. If you ever need help, this is the place to start.


List View Page

Action Buttons




1. When you select an item in the navigation menu, you will automatically be directed to that items’ List View page.

2. As a standard, records are listed by date, i.e. the most recent entry will be displayed first.

3. On every List View page you will find the option to Refresh the page, as well as to Add a new record.



4. In addition you will find the Export and Reports function on the majority of List View pages.


5. You may choose to export records in any of the following formats: Current Page (PDF), Current Page (XLS), Selected Records (XLS), All Records (XLS).

6. Reports differ depending on the module you’re using, but most have at least an Activity Report.


Working With List View Pages

1. Use Keyword Search to quickly find your needed record by ID / reference number, or name.



2. The page size selector will allow you to concurrently display either 25, 50, or 100 records as you chose.




3. The status selector will enable you to choose between viewing ‘Active’, ‘Inactive’ or ‘All’ records. There are more options for property lists like like “Pending”, “Sold”, “Rented” etc.



4. You can use the page jumper to insert a specific page number when you are working with many pages of records.




5. Alternatively you can make use of the page navigation arrows to page through the records.




6. The data on the table can be easily sorted by using the up/down arrows per column.



7. The table manager icon will allow you to choose and set your preferred columns per table. Click on the table manager icon to open the Manage Columns Bar:



• Hide specific columns by clicking on the X.

• You can add more columns by clicking on Add a Column and selecting the desired variable from the dropdown list.

• You can even save your chosen view by clicking on Name & Save View, by inserting a name of your choice. Save as many column layouts as you want!

• Clicking the Reset Columns button will always reset the table to the original set default view.




8. Right click on your mouse when hovering over a record in List View to open up a contextual menu with available functionality.