User Groups

User Groups

1. System user permission settings are controlled by the User Groups that have been created in this module. Once a user has been assigned to a particular user group this will enable their scope of access to the different modules as well as their individual range of permitted functionality within said modules.

2. Every new management system is pre-populated with a standard, basic set of user groups, but these can then be edited, and additional user groups can be created to meet every individual company’s organisational needs.

Note: It goes without saying that it is of critical importance for management to diligently control who will have access to add and edit records within the User Group module itself.


Adding or Editing a User Group

1. Select Company on the navigation menu. Then select User Groups from the drop-down sub-nav.

2. Click on the New Group button to access the standard user group record form to complete.

3. All required fields (highlighted with a red bar) must be completed.

Note: The User Groups record contains a large number of sections. Every section ‘controls’ permissions for a specific module of the management system. All sections of the record form need to be scrutinized and completed meticulously to ensure that the correct set of permissions is allocated for the new user group being created.

4. Similarly, when required to Edit a specific pre-existing user group, navigate to the User Groups list view page as per point 1 above. Then tick the correct user group record (or right-click the user group name) and select the Edit button. Proceed to make the desired changes in the necessary field(s) and/or checkbox(es).

5. Once all detail is captured, complete and correct, click the Save button.


Show Required Fields

See only the minimum fields to be completed to successfully save the record

Collapse Groups 

Hide all fields available on the user detail form to see the section groups only

Required Fields 
It is mandatory to complete all marked fields to be able to save the record successfully

 Review every checkbox in each section of the form to allocate the correct, intended access and permission for the User Group

Record Details

Only the Record Details section on the User Groups record form has basic, mandatory data input fields


All other sections in this form are made up of multiple selection checkboxes that control the users’ access and functionality permissions



Review every checkbox in each section of the form to allocate the correct permission for the User Group

Note: The most common standard options are whether a user can: View / Add / Edit records in that module, and also whether they will be able to Export data and/or access Reports

Action Buttons


Table Manager Button

Choose which columns you want to view and in which order 

Individual Selection

Select individual User Groups records to edit or update them when required

User Group Details

When an individual user group record is selected it can subsequently be edited or viewed in detail: Tick the desired record on the list view page and select the Details button, or right-click the team name and select Details

The details tab is a convenient overview of the specific permissions that have been granted to the users assigned to this user group.